“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
Who Is The Holy Spirit?
This is a work in progress. When we seek to understand “Who is the Holy Spirit?” it’s good to first…
Life’s Priorities: A Reflection on Wealth, Eternity, and Faith
The importance of focusing on heavenly treasures over earthly wealth.
God’s Divine Law and the Eternal Choice We Face
God will judge all of us according to His law. Click here to find out how to avoid the certain punishment for breaking His law!
A 3 minute reminder for those who have strayed
It’s easy to get wrapped up in the cares of the world – but it’s important to understand what lies ahead. Our eternal fate is sealed once we pass from this life.
Good News!
We can have eternal life through Jesus! Jesus Christ is the Good News for all of mankind. He offers hope,…
Facing Death: Prioritizing What Really Matters
Those who have trusted Jesus Christ for salvation need not fear death but can have full assurance and confidence as they face the grave.
Set Free From the Law by Christ
A person is either dead to the law through the body of Christ when they are saved, or the person remains a natural born sinner who will be held to account for the entire law.
Sundowning: Navigating the Challenges of Dementia with Faith
Sundowning is a set of mood and behavior changes that are especially present in the evenings.
The Holy Bible in the Digital Age
Twitter has a 280 character limit. Twitter is not conducive to the in-depth knowledge found in the Word of God.
There Can Be Beauty In Aging
The Lord gets his best soldiers out of the highlands of affliction.
Finding Your Spiritual Direction: Where Are You?
God asks each of us “Where are you?”
The Fork in the Road: Choosing Between Spiritual Death and Eternal Life
Every person comes to a fork in the road. Choose which direction you will go wisely.
Call Upon the Lord: Understanding Mankind’s Fall and God’s Plan of Salvation
God’s New Contract
Guilt and Grace: A Biblical Journey Toward Forgiveness
When God weighs us in the balance of His holy righteousness, and we are found lacking, it can be an extraordinarily painful realization.
Repentance: A Lifelong Journey Toward Change
What is repentance?
The Power of Perspective: Aligning Our Views with God’s Truth
We must constantly assess our perspective against that which God has taught us in the Holy Bible
Covenants: God’s Blueprint for Salvation in the Bible
Good News! The way to heaven has already been taken care of through Jesus!
Fasting: Spiritual Renewal and a Scientific Defense
Fasting – a spiritual concept with physical benefits
The Lord’s Prayer
In the New Testament, God Himself taught us to pray. Jesus said “Pray like this: ‘Our Father, who is in heaven…
Leprosy – a portrait of sin
Leprosy was a living death and it is a portrait of the sin that exists in all of us.